works / HOUSE

A house built on a hill overlooking a calm bay. Under the large sloping roof, multiple boxes containing functions are… …Read more

WORKS / art

A proposal competition was held to install an object that could also be used as a night view photography spot on the summit of Mt. Moiwa  ...Read more 

Aka Diary

札幌国際芸術祭2024の会場巡り。雪まつりと重なっていることもあってか結構な混み具合… I visited the venues of Sapporo International Art Festival 2024. It was around the same time as the Sapporo Snow Festival, so it was… …Read more

Staff Diary

春から始まった工事もそろそろ竣工時期をむかえている北海道。いい季節ですね。 ...Read more



弊社設計の「ぴゅあの実」が、建築士試験対策の際に重宝される新・建築設計資料に掲載されています。…Our Atelier's design “Pure Seed" has been published in the Architectural Design Material Book..
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Works / Restaurant

街なかにあったレストラン兼用の住宅は、清らかな水と木々のささやきに導かれ、森に面する郊外へ移転する…the restaurant combined with private residence moved into a suburban site facing a forest ...Read more